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Subscriptions to the Institute are payable annually by 1st January of each year. The rates for 2025 are: 

Grade UK Overseas
Fellow  £242.00 £177.00
Member  £236.00 £168.00
Licentiate  £236.00 £168.00
Honorary Member £60.00 £60.00
Student £48.00 £48.00
Retired Member (All grades) £36.00 £36.00
New Candidate Application Fee £150.00 £150.00
Upgrade Application Fee £50.00 £50.00

To download a copy of the subscription form please click on the relevant link below.

UK Subscription Form 2025

Overseas Subscription Form 2025


A subscription form is issued to each member on an annual basis. On receipt, please make payment by your preferred means.

BACS Payments

Please will all members who pay their subscriptions via BACS into the ICWCI bank account, ensure that a remittance advice is sent and that the payment includes both the member's name and membership ID number in the reference field.

Card Payment 

For Members based in the UK or The Republic of Ireland, please telephone ICWCI HQ to make your payment.

Other Overseas Members, please note that our method of receiving card payments has changed. Due to UK banking regulations, we are no longer permitted to receive card payments in an electronic form (scanned details). To receive card payments we issue an individual link to members to take them to a secure gateway which keeps your card details safe. Please contact the Finance Manager at to request your individual payment link. Please include your membership ID number (from your 2023 membership card) and the total amount to be paid (including whether you would like to make a donation to the benevolent fund). An individual link will then be emailed to you.

Cheque Payment

Cheques should be made payable to ICWCI.

Direct Debit

Many members have converted their payments to the Direct Debit method, which allows the subscription to be collected in 3 instalments at the end of January, February and March.

If you wish to transfer to this method of payment, please contact ICWCI Headquarters in order for the appropriate forms to be issued to you.